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Mini motivators to impact your working day.
Andy Black
Re-ignite Your Thinking
BRIGHTEN YOUR WORKPLACE WITH HEAVENLY 'LIGHT BULB' MOMENTS As we grow in the image of Christ at work, we are no longer living by the...
Andy Black
God First
What's the main reason for doing your current job? Here's a prayer that will test your motives... "Lord Jesus, help me to trust in you...
Andy Black
New Beginnings
An opportunity to turn your world of work upside down
Andy Black
High Place Living
Here's a key when you're crying out for a godly perspective at work.
Andy Black
The Crucial Relationship
Without God, the job will not be completed to His design.
Andy Black
Crisis, What Crisis?
Here is a golden opportunity to bless your workplace.
Andy Black
No Longer a System Captive!
Free to be 'me' in the place where I work.
Andy Black
Colossal Wonders
Worldly systems at work are huge and oppressive when we use our reasoning, smallness of mind or just principles. But these shrink when...
Andy Black
Breaking Through!
Thinking it through may not be our best solution at this stage. Drawing closer to God is the number One priority.
Andy Black
The Work with God story
A UCB podcast interview Click on the image below to listen to our recent radio interview on UCB where we had the opportunity to share the...
Andy Black
Faith Shields
Waiting on God early one morning, I saw a vision of the church (including those at work) dressed in the armour of God, with particular...
Andy Black
The Rock Beneath
If you are struggling today in your faith walk, here is a key that God gave me which may help you through. He said, "Faith-walking is not...
Andy Black
Riding The Wave
"If we choose to live by faith, alongside God's Spirit in our jobs, we should expect to encounter circumstances that make no sense at...
Andy Black
There Must Be More Than This!
Workplace culture expects us to be subservient to its system expectations. But, as children of God, our true identity is determined only...
Andy Black
Beyond Ourselves
CALLED TO WORK WITH GOD? The immense challenge of changing our mindsets from working for God’s blessing, to partnering with Him in...
Andy Black
Rich in Every Way
I was thinking of all the bad news on TV, communicated by people at work. I felt a strong sense of earthly despair, but then thought,...
Andy Black
Stay Connected
‘If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.’ (John 15:5) It’s just a one-dimensional working life if we only rely on...
Andy Black
A Thousand Voices
Assailed ! There has never been such a time in history as now, when information, data and opinion were so readily available to us, right...
Andy Black
Great Exploits
Kingdom Pioneers... Make way for God. Are fuelled on revelation. Perform great exploits. Giving rise to awesome fruit With testimony to...
Andy Black
Pioneer Distinctions
“If we are to reflect God’s image at work rather than be a copy of those around us, a journey is required that demands a radical shift...
Andy Black
Idol Times
For Christians (or Kingdom Pioneers) eager to fulfil their God-given mandate to advance Christ’s kingdom through everyday work, there is...
Andy Black
Lost Light
Comparing ourselves to others will steal our unique identity. By this behaviour, common to all, the shadow of idolatry darkens God's...
Andy Black
Winning Battles at Work
Every single working day a spiritual battle is lost when the Christian’s focus is not on Christ and His purposes. Working to our new...
Andy Black
A Royal People
As an apostolic people in-Christ, we share common experiences with most other people, but we are not Commoners... We are Royalty...
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